As church leaders,we meet all kinds of people. But no matter who you meet, whether in leadership position or an ordinary member of the church or work place, be “careful” of people who see you for the first time and begin to shower praises on you. People who make you feel like you are the […]
Tag: Tema Comm 25
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (People who won’t submit to authority) Pt. 2
ROMANS 12:3 All leaders, whether in the church or corporate world have their critics. These critics may not necessarily be bad, but the motive behind the criticism is what we have to question. Where as constructive criticism aims at what’s best for the ministry, department and the church as a whole, the HURTFUL critic causes […]
Liberty Breakfast: Commitment-(People who won’t submit to Authority)
ROMANS 12:3 In my over twenty ( 20) years in ministry, I have encountered all kinds of people. From the pulpit to the university, lecturers to students, congregation to preachers, office staff to the ordinary man or woman in the street. One thing stands clear; “you will always meet difficult people”; and they come in […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Why people can’t submit) Pt. 2
ROMANS 12:3 When people are committed to submit to authority, it is pleasing to God. I do not ascribe to “blind commitment”, pretentious loyalty and people who blindly submit to ungodly authority. God takes submission seriously, and He expects leaders to lead well, and followers to follow well. Perhaps, the most dangerous element in commitment […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Why some people cannot submit) Pt. 1
ROMANS 12:3 “FOR BY THE GRACE GIVEN ME I SAY TO EVERYONE OF YOU: DO NOT THINK OF YOURSELF MORE HIGHLY THAN YOU OUGHT; BUT RATHER THINK OF YOURSELF WITH SOBER JUDGEMENT…. Submitting to God and His appointed leaders is a beautiful thing. Yet, it is one aspect of the Christian journey that many struggle […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Submission to Authority) Pt. 6
PHILIPIANS 2:3-7 There’s a desperate need for submission to authority, and obedience to God’s word in these turbulent times. One of the serious flaws about human beings, especially believers is that, we don’t reflect on past events in history. We easily forget that, there have been greater empires before, rich people before, proud and arrogant […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Submission to Authority) Pt. 5
PHILIPPIANS 2:3-7 When I was a kid, I used to follow my mom to fetch “fire wood”, and sometimes, pick shea nuts in the bush. Holding my hands was one way she could help me catch up with her pace. Just like me, I know it’s something most kids do not like. As kids, we […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Submission to Authority) Pt. 4
PHILIPPIANS 2:3-7 Christianity applauds many virtues in the Ghanaian socio-cultural heritage. Good character, boldness, courage, honesty, love, deep sense of care, hospitality and inter-personal relationships all get high marks. One thing that still remains a mirage is SUBMISSION. This attitude of regarding submissive people as “less graded people” with low value in society has permeated […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Submission to Authority) Pt. 3
PHILIPPIANS 2:3-7 Someone asked me a question last month about “servant leadership”. He wanted to know why people must submit to leaders who are supposed to be servants? But even before I address the question, let me state EMPHATICALLY that, “servanthood is not servitude”. Although the heart of leadership is servanthood. Mark 10:42-45 talks about […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Submission to Authority) Pt. 2
PHILIPPIANS 2:3-7 “DO NOTHING OUT OF SELFISH OR VAIN CONCEIT. RATHER, IN HUMILITY VALUE OTHERS ABOVE YOURSELVES, NOT LOOKING TO YOUR OWN INTERESTS, BUT EACH OF YOU TO THE INTEREST OF OTHERS…” One major thing that is difficult in life is taking orders. This attitude is not different in the church today. Church members yelling […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Submission to Authority)
ACTS 20:18-38 The issue of “authority” is not just delicate or sensitive, but it’s also viewed with suspicion, controversy and cynicism. But authority, whether in the secular or among Christians, it remains critical. Believers who are not committed to authority CAN NOT submit to authority. If a believer can not relate to authority in the […]
Liberty Breakfast: By Luke Barson (Rev)-Commitment: (Submission to Leadership)
ACTS 20:18-38 There’s an increase in disrespect for church and civil authority. Disregard for church leadership has never been greater than it is now; and it appears to be getting worst by the day. Growing lawlessness, lack of decorum, pride and arrogance have grown beyond proportion. Why is it so? The answer is simple. Believers […]