All leaders, whether in the church or corporate world have their critics. These critics may not necessarily be bad, but the motive behind the criticism is what we have to question.
Where as constructive criticism aims at what’s best for the ministry, department and the church as a whole, the HURTFUL critic causes pain. The constructive critic does not have a personal agenda or vendetta against leadership. The challenge however is, it is usually difficult to discern the voice of constructive words in the cacophony of other criticisms. Pain, betrayal and insubordination are pervasive in the world, and church leaders are not exempt from them.
People who are less committed and refuse to submit to authority are usually very critical of the church and its leadership style. From their arrogant posture, these critics will often lash out at pastors and church leadership in moments of deep arrogance, frustration and anger. Pastors are often the hardest hit, and the most visible convenient targets. Because the hurt critic will never commit or submit to authority, their actions and inactions can take a real toll on the vision and direction of the church. Pastors and church leaders also want to be liked just as anybody. No leader can function effectively if the people he or she is leading are always “negatively critical” about everything he or she does. It is very typical for a leader to have a constant barrage of “hurtful criticisms” even when he or she is doing things right and delivering according to God’s directions.
Most often, the murmuring, grumbling, complaints and criticisms come at a bad time. We live in an individualistic world, where people feel they must voice out their individual preferences and disappointments at the expense of the whole group.
To be cont..
Stay blessed always and remember to love someone and mean it.
#Lukebarson #Libertybreakfast
Rev. Prophet Luke Luki Barson is the Senior Pastor at Liberty House Christian Centre at Tema Community 25.
He has studied at the University of Ghana, the Methodist University College and the Christian Service University College.
He is currently a PhD student at the University of South Africa.