JOHN 20:26-29
“I pray for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers”.( Luke 22:32 NIV)
This prayer from Jesus to Simon Peter, a man that doubted himself, and by extension doubted his master ( Jesus) is relevant then, as it is today.
Many Christians don’t only doubt God, but live in unbelief. “Doubt is questioning what you believe”. “Unbelief is a determined refusal to believe”. Doubt is usually a struggle faced by the believer. Thomas was faced with this struggle when he doubted the resurrection of Jesus. Many believers sit in the church today, condemning and judging Thomas, yet struggle with the same doubt everyday. They doubt the word of God, the miracles, the prophecies, the signs and wonders; they even doubt themselves.
“Unbelief is a condition of the believer”. Unbelief involves spiritual blindness and a determined resistance to God. Unbelief goes with ignorance and a lack of understanding of the truth. One can know the truth and still doubt it. People know the truth about their dreams, aspirations and ambitions, and yet doubt if these dreams; of becoming the best surgeon, multi-million, the greatest preacher etc are possible. People must move from a position of “unbelief to a position of faith”; and from a position of DOUBT to a position of confidence”.
“Doubting God is not a destination for believers to arrive, it is a season for us to endure and learn. Doubt should not be permanent, it should be temporal. The fact is, the reality of doubt hurts. This struggle (DOUBT) only leaves you on an Island. Doubt is the absence of faith. There must not be any room for doubt in the life of a true Christian. I have seen many believers embrace doubt as a product of their enlightened minds. Doubting God can be very unhealthy and detrimental”.
“If you can?” Said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes”. ( Mark 9:23 NIV)
The saddest thing about doubt is that, it is contagious. Doubters tend to pull even the strongest believer along. Check the things you hear around you. Check the people around you, and check the places you go. Do they increase your faith, confidence or make you doubt even more?
To be cont..
Stay blessed always and remember to love someone and mean it.
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Rev. Prophet Luke Luki Barson is the Senior Pastor at Liberty House Christian Centre at Tema Community 25.
He has studied at the University of Ghana, the Methodist University College and the Christian Service University College.
He is currently a PhD student at the University of South Africa.