Gratitude should be the lifestyle of every “genuine” follower of Christ. “It is the heart of the Christian life”.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever”. (Psalm 136:1 NIV)
If we sincerely believe the Bible as the authentic Word of God, then we ought to believe the above scripture without any shadow of doubt. As a believer, go into solitude and reflect upon all that God has done for you, and show gratitude. When we reflect upon how much God has blessed us with, we will show gratitude. “Gratitude is the best measure of spirituality”. Why? Because gratitude demonstrates that we have been paying attention to the little things we have received from God, especially the gift of grace” “If the little foxes spoil the vineyard, (Song of Songs 2:15), Then showers of blessings will fill our hearts and barns”.
The big question today is; “AM I SHOWING GRATITUDE”? A gentleman walked into my office yesterday to see me. We have never met before, his sister who resides in the USA asked him to see me. He started his conversation with a list of complaints; from his pastor to his office, his wife to his in-laws, his finances to his neighbours, etc. I watched and listened to him with rapt attention. When finished, I asked him a simple question; What are you grateful for? He couldn’t answer. He presents his case as if he is hated by everybody, and even God doesn’t remember him. How many children do you have, I asked? Three ( 3) one is in the university. Why can’t you be grateful to God for at least your children and your wife, and show gratitude to God for what He is doing in their lives? He said he never thought about that.
The problem with many of us is that, we want to see perfection in people before we show gratitude to God and appreciate the people around us. God doesn’t desire perfection, He desires a genuine and a willing heart. He desires sincerity, honesty and genuineness. Even in our imperfect state, we can still show gratitude. I am grateful for the privilege to be a Pastor of LIBERTY HOUSE CHRISTIAN CENTRE; I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for the wonderful pastors, leaders and office staff. I am grateful for a wonderful congregation, very loving, warm and welcoming. I am grateful for good friends. In fact, I am grateful for readers like you,who spend time every morning reading “The Liberty Breakfast”.
“Gratitude takes nothing for granted; it acknowledges each favour”, big and small. Gratitude recognises the giver.
To be cont..
Stay blessed always and remember to love someone and mean it.
#sociallysignificant #Lukebarson #Libertybreakfast
Rev. Prophet Luke Luki Barson is the Senior Pastor at Liberty House Christian Centre at Tema Community 25.
He has studied at the University of Ghana, the Methodist University College and the Christian Service University College.
He is currently a PhD student at the University of South Africa.
Source: BestNewsGH.com