‘’Teach the youth to use their talents and gifts, to develop themselves and the country. This is one of the main duties of pastors and church leaders’’.
Those are the words of Reverend Prophet Luke Luki Barson, the senior Pastor of Liberty House Christian Centre in Tema Community 25 to his fellow Men of God.
According to him, it is imperative that Pastors and Men of God go out of their way to inculcate in the youth they are pasturing, the values of hardwork, accountability and self-discipline in order to position them for the future.
Dr. Precision 1 as the revered Man of God is popularly known among his following and fellow Men of God because of the accurateness and preciseness of his prophesies said ‘’when the Lord calls us to serve, he also qualifies us to serve faithfully. The youth must be taught to be responsible, humble and patient and to be diligent to fulfill their ambitions in life’’
According to him, the church must teach people, especially the youth the culture of hard work, accountability and to be responsible for their own actions.
Reverend Prophet Luke Barson who also doubles as the Executive Director of not-for-profit organization Liberty House Foundation continued ‘’I’m afraid, the church is becoming a place for lazy young people, who think praying 24/7 Will turn their lives around within seconds. We want everything quick. Prayer is good, fasting is good, but it must be backed by hard work, service and faithfulness’’.
Quoting the scripture to buttress his point, Rev. Prophet Luke Barson said “Seeyest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mere men” Proverbs 22:29
He added that people must prepare themselves not only spiritually, but also emotionally, economically and socially for the times ahead.
Source: BestNewsGH.com