Liberty Breakfast: by Luke Barson (Rev)-What Type Of Christian Are You? Pt. 2

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Every day can be exciting for the believer who knows the reality of being filled with the Holy Spirit, and led by the Holy Spirit moment by moment . You can not be a Christian and still have your own life. Christ has provided for us a fruitful abundant life. This new life MUST produce some fruits.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law”. (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV)

Believers are witnesses for Christ on earth. Acts 1:8

How long have you been a Christian? Are you really filled with the Holy Spirit? What kind of Spiritual fruits are you bearing in your Christian walk? A truly spiritual person, filled with the Holy Spirit has the following fruits:

-Christ centred

-Trusts God at all times

-Obeys God,not man

-Empowered by the Holy Spirit

-Has Humility

-Has an effective prayer life

– His or her Character introduces others to Christ






The degree to which these traits are manifested in our lives depends upon the extent to which the believer trusts the Lord, submits to the Lord and obeys the Lord with every detail of his or her life; The reason most Christians are not enjoying the abundant life is because; though many are in the church, they are still carnal. The carnal Christian trusts in his or her own effort to live the Christian life.

The carnal Christian is either uninformed about, or has forgotten God’s love, forgiveness and His power to bless and prosper.

Then I ask again; “What Type Of Christian Are You?

To be cont..

Stay blessed always and remember to love someone and mean it.

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Rev. Prophet Luke Luki Barson is the Senior Pastor at Liberty House Christian Centre at Tema Community 25.

He has studied at the University of Ghana, the Methodist University College and the Christian Service University College.

He is currently a PhD student at the University of South Africa.


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Kennedy Mornah is an Award Winning Ghanaian Journalist with over two decades of experience in the Ghanaian Media landscape spanning the electronic, print and digital media. He is a Media Consultant, a Corporate MC, Radio and TV Host, Founder and Publisher of the Maritime and Transport Digest Newspaper, Businessman, a Go getter and an optimist. He has worked for renowned media organizations including Diamond Fm in Tamale, Luv Fm in Kumasi, Oman Fm in Accra and Starr Fm in Accra In 2017 he received the Reporter of the Year Award at the Ghana Shippers Awards in Accra, Ghana.

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