Over 50 homes at Jachie in Ashanti Region battered by storm

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A stormy downpour has battered the Jachie township in the Bosomtwe district of the Ashanti Region, leaving hundreds displaced.

The Thursday night rains tore roofs of over 50 houses, destroying valuables and structures.

Displaced residents are in awe as they watch their belongings soak in water and their homes crashed by the heavy winds.

Officials of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) are assessing the devastation in the community for immediate intervention.

The devastating effects of the rains in communities in Jachie Pramso reveal itself every year.

The roofing of hundreds of rooms could not stand the stormy winds, and have been ripped off.

Most of the affected buildings commonly show signs of weakness causing them to collapse, and reducing to rubble.

The interiors of structures left in ruins have been exposed to direct sun and atmosphere.

Although no casualty was recorded, a number of the affected residents say they have not been able to get into their houses nor picked any of their belongings.

“My room is the one that has been covered with pieces of concrete blocks and pieces of roofing sheets. I have not slept nor entered there since the beginning of the rain at 4pm,” Paa Willie said.

Those who have had access to enter their houses, recount all their valuables being damaged beyond repairs.

Onlookers could be seen dragging electrical appliances to check if they work.

“Over 13 rooms of my house and 30 tenants, have suffered greatly. Not even one of the items they are picking here can work anymore,” Kwasi Oppong Broni decried.

Victims in the vicinity, who are yet to recover from the effects of the heavy rain and wind, wander to seek for shelter.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Bosomtwe District, Joseph Assuming is sympathising with victims whilst promising a swift intervention.

“We are very saddened by what has happened. We are not yet done with the assessment to ascertain the damage, we will deliver mattress as immediate intervention whilst we work around the clock to support them better in the meantime,”he said.


Source: Myjoyonline

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Kennedy Mornah is an Award Winning Ghanaian Journalist with over two decades of experience in the Ghanaian Media landscape spanning the electronic, print and digital media. He is a Media Consultant, a Corporate MC, Radio and TV Host, Founder and Publisher of the Maritime and Transport Digest Newspaper, Businessman, a Go getter and an optimist. He has worked for renowned media organizations including Diamond Fm in Tamale, Luv Fm in Kumasi, Oman Fm in Accra and Starr Fm in Accra In 2017 he received the Reporter of the Year Award at the Ghana Shippers Awards in Accra, Ghana.

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