Mahama did not promise to stabilise cedi in 100 days, aide clarifies

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Ms. Joyce Bawah Mogtari, special aide and spokesperson for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer John Mahama, has refuted media reports suggesting that the former President pledged to stabilise the Ghanaian cedi within 100 days of taking office.

Ms. Mogtari clarified that Mahama did not make such a promise but instead presented a detailed strategy to tackle economic challenges, reflecting his understanding of the issues.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, May 29, Mogtari quoted Mahama saying, “Our number one priority will be stabilising the economy and restoring a stable currency. We will launch an urgent economic recovery and fiscal consolidation plan following a national economic dialogue to be held within one hundred days of assumption of office.”

She highlighted that Mahama stressed the importance of fiscal discipline and responsible economic management to achieve currency stability. The measures outlined include reducing government spending, curbing waste and corruption, and increasing revenues by broadening the tax base.

“Additionally, he mentioned simplifying VAT, streamlining its collection, abolishing the e-levy, and easing some burdensome taxes on businesses and households,” she added.

The Mahama 2024 Campaign reaffirmed its commitment to transparent and responsible communication with the Ghanaian public and urged the media to accurately report the candidate’s statements to ensure the public is well-informed.


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Kennedy Mornah is an Award Winning Ghanaian Journalist with over two decades of experience in the Ghanaian Media landscape spanning the electronic, print and digital media. He is a Media Consultant, a Corporate MC, Radio and TV Host, Founder and Publisher of the Maritime and Transport Digest Newspaper, Businessman, a Go getter and an optimist. He has worked for renowned media organizations including Diamond Fm in Tamale, Luv Fm in Kumasi, Oman Fm in Accra and Starr Fm in Accra In 2017 he received the Reporter of the Year Award at the Ghana Shippers Awards in Accra, Ghana.

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