Full KPMG report: SML deal requires Parliamentary approval for contract enforceability

Accounting and advisory firm, KPMG, has recommended an “orderly resolution” in the contract between the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the Strategic Mobilisation Limited (SML), including parliamentary approval. “The contract did not receive parliamentary approval as required by section 33 of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (PFMA Act 921). Parliamentary approval should be sought […]

KPMG’s audit report will confirm integrity of our contract with GRA – SML

Strategic Mobilisation Ghana Ltd. (SML) is confident that the ordered audit into its contract with the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the Finance Ministry will vindicate the deal. SML believes that the forthcoming report by KPMG, the firm tasked with conducting the audit, will demonstrate the integrity of the contract in safeguarding the state’s revenue. […]