NSMQ 2023: KETASCO boot-out Tamale SHS and Augusco to qualify for semi-finals

Keta Senior High Technical School (KETASCO) on Tuesday secured a spot in the National Science and Maths Quiz semi-finals, triumphing over Tamale Senior High School and St. Augustine’s College in the quarter-final.  KETASCO dominated with an impressive 44 points, while Tamale SHS garnered 35 points, and the 2007 and 2019 champions, St. Augustine’s, achieved 32 […]

AUGUSCO are 2019 NSMQ Champions

St. Augustine’s College from Cape Coast has won the 2019 edition of the National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) competition. The coveted NSMQ trophy is being contested for by three male schools, namely St. Peter’s SHS (PERSCO), Presbyterian Boys’ Senior High School (PRESEC), Legon and St. Augustine’s College. St. Augustine’s College popularly known as AUGUSCO […]